Have you ever sat back and asked yourself, what am I doing? Well, self-publishing a fantasy book is one of those moments, lol. It’s like steering a ship through a magical storm—thrilling, unpredictable, and filled with mythical creatures. In my case, these creatures are my kids, my work, and an enthusiastic pack of dogs (okay, maybe two doesn’t quite make a pack). Juggling life’s responsibilities while unleashing the realms of my imagination onto paper has been no small feat. It’s like having multiple personalities: from parent to employee, from dog walker to dinner chef, and then in the wee, wee hours of the night, world-builder.
I must admit that some of the most memorable writing itself happens in the still of the night and usually when I’m delirious. When the world sleeps, the fantasy world awakens, and my adventures come alive. These late-night sessions are a chock-full of creativity and emotion. One moment, I’m soaring on the highs of a heroic victory; the next, I’m weeping over a character’s tragic circumstances. Occasionally, the word is a reflection of my soul, although more often than not, a product of my emotions told through the adventures of others. All accompanied by the soft snores of dogs piled around my feet and my wife snuggled by my side. It’s actually pretty great.
Through this rollercoaster of writing and self-publishing, the support of my family is my anchor. They see the bags under my eyes and despite my doubts, their faith in my dream never wavers. They read my drafts, offer feedback, and even amidst the chaos of our daily lives, they still think what I do is “cool.” Their encouragement is a reminder that no matter how “old” I get, writing a good book transcends age.
And so, jumping the hurdles—whether it’s a sick child, a demanding job, or a dog chewing through another set of my wife’s sneakers—the journey continues to be exhilarating. With every wall I hit, I find a hidden strength, fueled by the love and laughter of my family and our four-legged companions. Each page of my fantasy book is a testament to the power of perseverance and passion. I hope anyone who reads it, comes to love the characters as much as I do. And if that only happens to be my family, it has been worth it.